You might know some pretty large perfect squares. But what about the NEXT one?
Complete the findNextSquare method that finds the next integral perfect square after the one passed as a parameter. Recall that an integral perfect square is an integer n such that sqrt(n) is also an integer.
If the parameter is itself not a perfect square then -1 should be returned. You may assume the parameter is non-negative.
Examples:(Input --> Output)
121 --> 144
625 --> 676
114 --> -1 since 114 is not a perfect square
function findNextSquare(sq) {
const num = Math.sqrt(sq);
if (Number.isInteger(num) === false) {
return -1;
return Math.pow(num+1, 2);
먼저 , Math.sqrt() 을 사용해서 주어진 숫자의 제곱근을 반환했다.
그다음에 정수가 아닌 숫자들은 -1을 리턴해줬다.
그리고 정수인 숫자들은 제곱근에 1을 더하고 제곱해주는것(Math.pow(num+1, 2))을 리턴했다.
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